
Virtual care news and views

Practical Apps July 25, 2018

Breast cancer apps: Access to social networks

According to the Canadian Cancer Society, breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in Canadian women. It represents up to 25 per cent of new cancers and is the second most common cause of cancer-related mortality in Canadian women.

Likely due to the high prevalence of this diagnosis, as well as its significance, a huge number of apps related to breast cancer have emerged over the last few years. However, the complexity of treatments and approaches to this condition make creating an overarching “breast cancer app” quite challenging.

Nonetheless, some exist with potential to offer support in a few important areas. See what Toronto family physician Dr. Stephen Pomedli had to say in his latest Practical Apps review of four breast cancer apps: MyBCTeam, Beyond the Shock, BECCA, and My Cancer Coach.

Read other app reviews at

About the author: Kat Kostic is a writer for Connected, and a marketing and communications specialist at OTN.